Tuesday, April 9, 2013

Weekly Product Review- Coconut Rose Oil

This last week I visited boulder Colorado where I used to live a couple years ago. I made it a point to stop into one of my favorite places, Rebecca's Apothecary. Other than the great name this is pretty much my version of a kid in a candy store. Stocked with homemade oil blends, beeswax, flower essences, homeopathy, and every tea blend imaginable it is basically my heaven. Almost every product in the store is homemade by the herbalists that work there. The staff is friendly and incredibly knowledgable about any dietary or health problem one might have. Although I have been a fan of many of their products, my favorite and most trusted is their rose coconut oil. This has been one of my secrets for years and since moving I am excited to announce that they now sell thier incredible products online! There are many great benefits to incorporating oils into ones beauty routine and lifestyle. One that is Fairly less known is that applying and ingesting oils is a great natural anti anxiety. Coconut oil especially as I have previously mentioned contains medium-chain fatty acids. These fatty acids get absorbed very quickly by skin tissue and then converts to energy, this is what gives us a lift and minimizes both depression and anxiety.  It soothes both the skin and the brain.  
I apply a thick layer of oil to my face before I go to sleep as a way to calm and unwind from the day. It is incredibly relaxing and you're skin will thank you in the morning. This specific oil blend is made up of organic unrefined coconut oil and mixed with organic dried, red rose petals. This can be used as an all over moisturizer or just for the face. The coconut oil moisturizes while the rose calms redness and inflammation. Working together these two natural ingredients create balance in the skin. As some people may be allergic to roses, they also offer a lavender blend as well. This is especially great for before sleep as lavender is another natural de-stresser. Because the oil is so gentle it is a great option to use for babies or for  very sensitive skin. Another great product that is affordable and good for the body and soul. http://shop.rebeccasherbs.com/browse.cfm/coconut-rose-oil-4-fl.-oz/4,139.html

1 comment:

  1. Amazing! Can't believe the sell online now. Love this post. I love their honey scrub too.
