Monday, June 15, 2015

Parsley tea for the Ladies

Now that the bitter days of winter are long gone, we are left with the season of Spring. Spring is one of my favorite seasons for the wild flowers, the warm nights and the fresh vegetables. Spring however, is one of the main times of they year that the body can get thrown off balance. If you notice what times of the year sickness is going around it is not actually Winter but usually the in-between seasons, Fall and Spring. Spring is a damp season and it can take the body time to adjust to this. This time of year they refer to in Ayurveda as Kapha time. Kapha time when out of balance can bring on feelings of lethargy, hunger, instability, allergies and insomnia. One of the reasons this takes place is that the body is transitioning to the next extreme in temperature.  Kapha time is a time to take extra care of our bodies and get an extra amount of rest.
For women especially this time of year can really throw the body off. Women are said to be creatures aligned with the subtle rhythm of nature. Like nature, women live within a cycle that ensures balance in the physiology. This cycle is one that corresponds to the cycle of the moon, the moon is also known as the mother and the feminine. We as women have a way of tracking our hormone levels and a monthly cleaning system that resets us. When this cycle is thrown off however we not only feel physically off but our emotional and mental balance can take a real hit. As inconvenient and uncomfortable as our periods may feel, this is a woman's way of naturally detoxing the body each month. 

Our cycles are our bodies way of 'spring cleaning' every 28-35 days. What happens then when the cleaning doesn't take place or is untimely? Any woman will tell you that the week leading up to her cycle is usually one of irritability, bloating, extreme mood swings and an overall waterfall of tears for no reason. This is because the hormone levels of estrogen and progesterone, otherwise known as 'female hormones' are higher at this time. If estrogen predominates, anxiety occurs, if there's more progesterone than is desired women can feel symptoms of depression. We see that there is a subtle union of hormones that need to take place. Once the cycle starts however, most of these symptoms will flush out replacing them with feelings of extreme relief. If our cycle is late or our bodies don't menstrate that month, the hormones can overwhelm the balance of the body. Having a regular cycle is the body's way of showing health and balance.
There are many ways to ensure that we have a regular and healthy cycle each month. Some are, staying rested, healthy diet, moderate exercise and reduction of stress. Unfortunately sometimes the body is still off balance when doing all of these things. Just a simple change in our daily routine such as starting a new job or going to school can really disrupt us. A great and natural way to induce your period when late is brewing your own parsley tea. Parsley is an amazing herb and other than being filled with minerals and being a natural diuretic, it is also considered an emmenagogue (an herb that stimulates menstruation). If pregnancy is not the cause for a late period this is a great alternative to harsh drugs that doctors will give women that have hormone problems or are irregular. The oil from parsley is the key ingredient in what regulates the menstruation process. This is due to the existence of Apiol in the parsley plant, Apiol is a component of the female hormone estrogen.
Apiol has been used by women throughout history to balance their monthly cycles and align their hormones. Parsley tea can also be used to balance the body after going off of the pill which can reign havoc on the body. Parsley is also said to help in curing urinary track and bladder infections. Making this tea is very easy, simply boil 1/4 cup of freshly cut parsley (with stems) in about 4 cups of purified water. You can change the measurements depending on how strong you want it. I usually brew this for about an hour or so. This tea can be very potent and is not meant for pregnant women or nursing mothers. The tea has a nice earthy, mild flavor and honey can be added for sweetness. Sip this throughout the day and your period should come comfortably! Another perk to this powerhouse tea is clear, beautiful skin!