Thursday, April 4, 2013

The Magic Apple Cider Vinegar

I am always searching for natural alternatives to anything that comes up in my life weather it be physical or emotional. I absolutely hate taking over the counter pills or putting chemicals in my body. I have many reasons for this belief but mainly they don't work in the long run and as a sensitive person I experience all the negative side effects. Apple cider Vinegar is one of the star finds in terms of beauty secrets and natural options. Apple cider vinegar is something that is carried at almost all grocery stores. But  I'm guessing like me a couple years ago most people aren't sure what it really is. Basically it is a vinegar made out of pulverized apples. It is a product of fermentation like other vinegars where sugars in a certain food are broken down through yeast and bacterias. This can be used in the kitchen but more importantly it can be used in beauty and health maintenance. Apple cider vinegar can act as Ph regulator for the skin when combined with cold water. It can also be applied directly as a toner or astringent, the most inexpensive option out there. It can also be used as a means to reduce swelling in the feet or hands or anywhere on the body. A great option for pregnant woman that have sore feet or legs, it is a great foot soak after a long day.

Apple cider vinegar can also be used as a substitute for shampoo and conditioner as it cleans the hair and creates shine and luster. Another great use for this vinegar is its ideal for weight loss in that it cuts cravings, detoxes the kidneys and kills infection. For me, my personal miracle with apple cider vinegar was the complete curing of a terrible bladder infection or otherwise known as the honeymooners disease. If any woman has had one of these they know it is one of the most uncomfortable and terrible things out there. I have in the past just taken the over the counter anti biopics and called it a day. But I wanted to see if I could cure it naturally. My doctor was shocked when I had come in and I had completely cured myself. I diligently mixed two shots of apple cider vinegar with a fourth a cup of water and half a lemon three times a day. Within three days I was free and cured! I also use this when I am sick with the flu or have had a late night and have a hangover. It is a strong taste so I would suggest mixing it with water. I always have this on hand and so should you!

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