Friday, March 29, 2013

A Rose By Any Other Name......

My passion in life is finding the beauty in everything. Both inside ourselves as well as what we carry on the outside. I have always had an obsession with holistic and natural health and being able to feel my best through this journey we call life. There are many tools I have found myself collecting along the way that have helped me both physically, emotionally and mentally. Each contributing to the goal of balance, simplicity and ultimately happiness. Wild roses are very close to my heart. As a child these roses surrounded me during our vacations to Cape Cod with my mom and sister.The bourbon roses Represent the pure and simple beauty of life and the inspiration for this blog. 

BOURBON: An Old Garden Rose. Named for La Réunion island (formerly known as Île Bourbon) in the Indian ocean, these roses are probably a cross from a China and Damask which were growing on the island. Bourbon roses are fragrant, full and cupped in shades of light pinks to deep pinkish-reds. The canes are usually long and arching which was probably inherited from their Damask heritage (although some Bourbons are shrubby) and make good candidates for pegging or training as a climber. From their China heritage, Bourbons will often exhibit repeat-bloom. In my experience, Bourbon roses are susceptible to fungal disease such as blackspot and mildew but I still grow them because they are incredibly, incredibly beautiful.



  2. You're beautiful Bec :) Love this blog such a good idea! Rose water spray is my favorite. I spray in the morning and at night when I go to bed!
