Sunday, August 18, 2013

For the Love of Rose

"There may be many flowers in a man's life, but there is only one rose."
As someone who is passionate about both health and beauty the rose plays a significant role in my life. I have always had an affinity for roses (pink especially) as I'm sure most women can relate to. Not only is the rose the inspiration for this blog but it is the most common ingredient in every product I own. Roses are commonly associated with romance, love, sensuality, and are often seen as the staple of feminine beauty. However roses aren't just aesthetically appealing to the eye. Roses contain a vast array of healing and beauty-enhancing properties that make it the incredible flower that it is. There are two main types of roses that are most commonly used in cosmetics and skin care, rosa damascena and rose centifola (cabbage rose). Although differing in scent and color both roses are highly valued for the purity of the essential oil they can create. 

Rose essential oil can contain tens of thousands of rose blossoms for just one ounce of rose oil. This gives the idea of how pure the oil is and how sought after it can be in its pure form. Rose oil contains tons of vitamins, minerals and antioxidants that help many different kinds of skins. Unlike certain ingredients such as lemons for example, which can be drying for mature skin (when appplied topically), rose oil can be used for all ages. 
Rose is incredibly moisturizing for dry, rough skin but can also work as an antiseptic and astringent for people with acne and inflammation. Rose oil can also improve the overall skin texture and can greatly improve skin disorders such as psoriasis. Rose is especially beneficial for those with sensitive skin because it is a natural cooling agent in all its forms. The sugars in the petals themselves create a soothing and pacifying effect on overheated skin. This can be a great natural solution for anyone that suffers from rosacea rather than using harsh chemicals. Because rose  soothes heat and cools the body down it is a great ingredient to use when the skin has been over sunned as well. The high levels of vitamin C that rose petals contain, protect the skin from damage due to the sun. Rose oil is an ingredient that you will often see in many organic and natural skin products. 
Rosehip seed oil is another ingredient that is also seen in many skin care lines. This oil is made from the small fruits that grow behind the flowers themselves. This oil varies in that in contains natural levels of Vitamin A, which can greatly reduce wrinkles and age spots. It is also proven to stop pigmentation making it a perfect organic ingredient for sunscreens and skin lightening creams. Rosehips also contain bioflavonoids, citric acid, fructose, tannins and zinc. This can be great when taken as a tea and is shown to drastically aid in bladder infections and menstrual cramps. 
For me personally my favorite use of rose has always been in rose hydrosol also known as rose water. 

This is one of those products that I literally could not live without and I use everyday without fail. Rose water is derived when small batches of rose buds are steamed in copper distilleries and finally release a therapeutic compound into the water its been soaking in. Rose water contains antibacterial and astringent  properties making it my alternative to expensive toners. The rose itself with the water helps to tighten pores and help skin appear supple and fresh. Unlike other alcohol based toners, the toning does not dry out the skin but also adds moisture. Rose water can also be added to shampoos and conditioner and can help hair growth. I also use Rosewater on the  face to set makeup and keep it fresh
Finally rose when used aromatically soothes the mind and body, acting as a natural antidepressant. This happens by soothing the nerves and being a mild sedative for the physiology. Rose is more and more used in the treatment of stress disorders such as ulcers, heart disease, anxiety,  digestive problems and hives.  These healing properties can also be achieved when used in a simple rose tea. Dried rose petals can be added to boiling water and steeped for a highly effective and medicinal drink. This can instantly calm anxiety, soothe the mind, improve circulation, aid in insomnia,  and even balance hormones. Rose is a beautiful ingredient for both our outer and inner health. It is inexpensive and perfect for those looking for alternatives to expensive and chemically heavy products. Once again nature contains the best ingredients!

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