Wednesday, July 17, 2013

Nature's Cosmetic, Salt Water

This last week I was fortunate enough to be by the ocean on the beautiful Cape Cod. The ocean is one of the most therapeutic and healing places. Ocean water is also one of the easiest and most effective ways to treat the body and the skin we are in. With the summer heat and the blazing sun, many skin problems can often follow. Skin rashes, eczema, and even psoriasis can occur when there is an imbalance of heat in the body. A rash or even a brutal sunburn is our bodies way of throwing the heat off through our skin. There has been extensive research done on the benefits of fresh ocean water as well as just plain saline solution on our skin and our nervous systems. Swimming in saltwater is incredibly cleansing and detoxing for the skin. The combination of the salt and the minerals in ocean water promote cell rejuvenation, leaving skin feeling supple, moisturized and renewed. Salt water is also a great way to alleviate and minimize any kind of dry or itchy skin such as hives or even poison ivy. The minerals in salt water such as magnesium, calcium, potassium, and sodium work together to balance the blood, bone density and the overall health of the nervous system. The calcium in natural salt not only strengthens bone density but it also strengthens nails, hair and the sodium as well restores fluid balance. The salt water reestablishes the mineral balance of the body.
Salt water can also be used to treat arthritis, rheumatism as well as any joint pain. Salt water contains a mineral called bromide, which helps to alleviate muscle soreness or pain. This is a great option for athletes that are training or pregnant women that want to minimize swelling.  Salt water can also be used as a way to reduce stress and anxiety as it has a calming effect on the body both inside and out. It is widely known at this point that stress is the number one cause of aging and disease. Swimming in salt water is one of the best anti-aging secrets out there. Studies show that the minerals in this water help the body restore its natural healing abilities to look and feel younger.
There are so may beauty products and beauty treatments out there that most people can't afford. The most effective beauty treatments  however, are the simplest and purest forms of nature. Having the benefit of swimming in fresh ocean water is a luxury that a lot of people don't necessarily have.
Using fresh purified water and himalayan sea salt  can give you the same effect as the real thing. Filling a warm bath and soaking in half a cup of fresh salt immediately balances and restores the body as if you were at the beach. One of my favorite uses of himalayan salt is making a homemade scrub with half salt and half organic olive oil. This is better than any scrub you could find out there because it contains  pure and natural ingredients. Salt water is also a great way to nourish and treat damaged hair and split ends. The way one's hair looks after a day at the beach is unlike anything else. The combination of getting moisture but also having the salt work as a cleaning agent gives it a beautiful and healthy appearance. To fill a mini spray bottle with a tablespoon of himalayan salt, 3/4 water and 1/4 conditioner, you can make your own beach spray. Use this throughout the summer for a break from straightening and curling irons. Salt water is an inexpensive and amazing way to both heal the body as well as make it more beautiful. Salt is a great component to add to anyones daily routine no matter their age or current state of health. One of nature's little gifts to us.

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