Wednesday, June 12, 2013

The Allure of Fresh Aloe Vera

I am a strong believer in buying produce that is seasonal as well as changing my routine with the weather. This ensures that our bodies can gracefully adapt to the change of temperature and climate. Although this seems like an easy feat for some, for others the change of seasons can be taxing on our systems and even emotions. For me personally I have always been very heat sensitive and although I love the summer I find I have the most physical troubles during this time. This is mainly due to my sensitive skin but also the emotions that can come along with the humidity and blistering temperatures. Think angry temper tantrums and heat attacks. The heat can often create imbalances in emotional states for many people. The best way to treat any emotional problems I have found is from a physical standpoint before anything else. If our bodies are balanced our hearts and minds will follow. One of the best natural remedies to cool the body is fresh aloe vera leaves. 

Aloe Vera is often seen sold in a liquid form in most health food and grocery stores. Although I have drank aloe juice I find that the fresh aloe gel from the actual leaves is much more effective and doesn't have any of the side effects of a processed product. The aloe plant is referred to as a succulent plant, which means it is a plant that stores its own water in its leaves. Like a cactus, the aloe plant grows in a desert like environment and has been known for centuries to be one of the most medicinal of all the plants.
Aloe is part of the lily family, the same family that the union and garlic also belong too, a family of many healing properties. Aloe Vera is filled with tons of vitamins and minerals as well as 18 different amino acids, 200 active plant compounds, and many active enzymes. This miracle plant also contains a chain of impressive fatty acids that contribute to lowering the fat in our blood. Aloe Vera is known as an 'adaptogen', which means it enables the body to naturally adapt to external changes as well as ward off any illness or viruses. This results in boosting the bodies natural abilities to adapt to stress and fatigue and boost energy. Aloe is probably the best known for its abilities in curing and soothing any kinds of skin ailments. Because aloe is 99% water, it is a prime way to hydrate the skin both topically as well as internally. It cures burns, cuts, rashes, open wounds, and is amazing for soothing sun burn or sun blisters. It also is a great healthy option for psoriasis and any kind of skin rash or hive.
It is an immediate cooling agent and literally pulls heat out of our system. Because most skin problems are due to heat being trapped in the body, aloe is a perfect solution to counteract this imbalance. The skin is not the only organ however that aloe can improve. Aloe vera is also an incredible way to reduce inflammation of the joints and is known to aid in arthritis or any other type of bone ailment. Aloe is also a great tool for weight-loss and improved digestion. It does this by naturally alkalizing the body and acting as a natural detoxifier. Aloe can act as an extreme laxative as well, flushing out waste and cleaning out the colon. Although drinking the aloe juice that is sold in most stores is a great start, the fresh aloe gel that comes from the actual leaf of the aloe plant is the better option. Just having the aloe plant in the house changes the oxygen levels and immediately improves the air we are breathing each day.
When the leaves are split open they are filled with a clear gel that can be added directly to the skin or used in any way you might want. The gel can also be added to smoothies or juices, or even salads. This allows the aloe to not only help the skin but also balance out our digestion and strengthen our immune systems. This plant has been said to be the fountain of youth and is an easy way to strengthen our bodies, beautify our complexions and cool us down. The leaves can also be refrigerated for an even cooler option on the hot days of summer. My sister and I make our own fresh aloe lemonade by juicing fresh lemons and adding the gel of half an aloe leaf along with either stevia or agave nectar. This is a great cooling lemonade that can even be made into a fun summer cocktail! The leaves I usually order online and may seem high but are a great investment for the whole summer. I would highly recommend aloe to anyone who is looking to cool off and improve their overall health.

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