Thursday, April 25, 2013

The Buzz Around Bee Pollen

I am always looking for new and innovative ways to get more energy and feel more alive. Life is full of stress and emotions that build up in our systems to create fatigue and disease. There are so many natural solutions that help in aiding this buildup however. Over the counter medicines treat the disease but there are fewer medicines for prevention in western medicine. There are tons of holistic vitamins that can be found straight from nature. Bee Pollen is one of my favorite ways to get vitamins and minerals through a pure nutritional supplement. Bee Pollen is made by honeybees and is a mass of pollen. The pollen is packed by the bees and made into granules by adding the honey and nectar in the hive. Bee Pollen is very nutritionally dense, containing all of the 8 essential amino acids needed for a healthy diet. Bee pollen is also a great complete protein and is amazing for athletes that need to stick to a high protein low carb diet. This magic pollen also contains dozens of other vitamins, 28 minerals, 11 enzymes, and over 15 fatty acids. All found in this simple creation of mother nature. In Roman and Greek times bee pollen was known as "the life-giving dust" as it was consumed to acquire eternal youth and perfect health. Bee pollen is said to aid beauty, increase energy, fight cancer, relieve digestive disorders and even boost the brain and nervous system function. One of the most amazing  benefits of bee pollen is the detoxing and rejuvenating powers it has on the digestive and intestinal functions.
Bee Pollen self digests and helps with the digesting of other foods. This wards off diarrhea and constipation, which are often unchanged by antibiotics. By regulating the digestive tract one's weight is naturally controlled and normalized through this protein. It can also be used as a way to detox the body. It enables the body to self regulate and correct its natural chemistry. Many tests have been done using bee pollen and individuals that are withdrawing from heavy drugs or alcohol. The pollen allows the body to release the heavy metals that have been built up as well as avoiding the negative withdrawal symptoms that are often experienced. Other ailments that have been treated with bee pollen are: asthma, anemia, fatigue, depression, skin conditions (especially acne), sexual problems, hemorrhoids, obesity, and arthritis. This natural superfood can even help in curing allergies in many people. In rare cases bee pollen can cause allergic reactions but this is usually in people that are allergic to bee stings. When first starting with bee pollen try one or two granules at first to see how the body responds to it.Then increase to a heaping tablespoon once or twice a day for the full benefits. I love the sweet  chalky taste of the plain granules but you can also add a spoon to a smoothie or even yogurt. My personal experience with bee pollen is feeling sated throughout the day as well as feeling more energized. Another beautiful, natural remedy from nature. 

1 comment:

  1. Great post. There are many benefits we can derive from bee pollen but these benefits are not for everyone. Because some has allergic reaction to bee pollen and bee.
