Thursday, July 31, 2014

A Gold Star: Golden Berries

On the road to perfect health, we often find some major bumps in the road and challenges. Each individual has specific unhealthy habits that they find harder than others to kick. Weather it be alcohol, coffee, carbs, fast food, etc.  For me personally it is the dreaded sweet tooth. I love sweets of all kinds healthy or unhealthy. I have always felt a sense of calm biting into a chocolate bar or cupcake or any other baked good. However, nothing satisfies my addiction like that of candy. Candy is something that makes me feel like a little girl again. Its fun to eat and a tradition my best friend and I have shared over the years. Unfortunately, candy is one of the most processed and energy draining things one can consume. Filled with artificial sweeteners, colors, gluten, and many other carcinogens, it is difficult to justify eating such a thing. After many cavities over the years and serious energy drops, I had to find a way to replace my life love. 
I have found that for every unhealthy food there is a healthy counterpart waiting patiently to be found. For chocolate, there is pure dark chocolate or raw chocolate, baked goods, there is gluten and sugar free options. For pizza there is cauliflower crust with raw or fresh cheese. Sadly, candy has been a food (or chemical) group that has been very trying to replace for me. I think this is mainly due to the fact that candy is not a food at all but rather a mixture of perfect chemicals that give us that chewy and satisfying bite. Being a fan of gummy chews and licorice I have been on the lookout for years for something to appease me. I have finally found something that I couldn't wait to share! Golden berries! Goji berries and raisins are also good alternatives but I have always hated the taste of both, especially goji berries and raisins are too sugary. Golden berries are the perfect solution. Think of golden berries as the healthy alternative to sour patch kids. They are soft and chewy bites of both sweet and tart tastes. Originally from Brazil, golden berries provide a power house of nutrients to the body.

Not only do golden berries taste incredible but they are lower in sugar than any other dried berry and are much higher in protein. They are a nutrient dense superfood with tons of health benefits. They are  filled with antioxidants and full of Vitamin A, B, and C. One of the most amazing things that golden berries can do for the body is to prevent redness and swelling. This can be an indication of many diseases or an imbalance in the body. The berries fight redness by reducing the amount and impact of proteins on the body. This can be used to treat hives, inflammation, bruises, bee stings, etc.  This is also great for the skin when it is red and puffy from over exhaustion, too much drinking or dehydration. The berries natural ability to decrease redness is also said to help strengthen other organs such as the liver. Any food we eat that strengthens the liver is also going to strengthen the bodies elimination process. The liver is the main organ of the body responsible for detoxification. 

Golden berries are also known as a belly blaster, in the way that they burn fat, increase metabolism and balance digestion. This is an ideal snack for athletes in that it helps with recovery and inflammation. These berries are anti-inflammatory, antihistamine, and perfect for anyone that has dips in blood sugar levels throughout the day.  The pectin in this fruit helps to normalize blood sugar levels and balance the body. This is achieved by preventing carbohydrates to breakdown, which have an adverse effect on energy levels. Golden berries can be added to yogurt, cereal, sprinkled on salads or just eaten out of the bag as a quick pick me up. These are truly nature's sweet, sour, and chewy candy. They are healthy, addictive and a great addition to a clean lifestyle.There is no reason to consume chemicals, when nature has provided us with every taste imaginable!